11 Feb / 2019

Grey St traffic development

DRA is proceeding with our concern about the scale and appropriateness of the proposed Aged Care Facility on Grey St at the art gallery site. The result of our ACAT directions hearing on 29 Jan enables us to continue to assert that amongst a number of faults the proposal:

  • exceeds current plot ratios, i.e. it is too big for the site.
  • breaches the National Capital Authority’s Development Control Plan for a site adjacent to Adelaide Avenue, and
  • underestimates its impact on traffic and parking,
    • especially during student arrivals and departures at the Girls Grammar School – see photo below

Two committee members have donated substantial funds to cover DRA costs. However, without further funding we will not be able to get the legal and other professional support we need to continue the case on behalf of the Deakin community.

The next stage is mediation. To limit costs, we plan to represent ourselves but advice will still cost around $5,000 –$7.000.

We are seeking donations to help the case? Our bank account is BSB 633108  Account # 145088969.

Depending on the outcome of the mediation, we anticipate substantial subsequent legal fees for the final stages of the Tribunal hearing.

We are a resident organisation with very limited funds and we should not have to pay to protect the amenity of residents from decisions by Government agencies. But we have no choice.

We are not against aged care facilities, or redevelopment of the site, but what is the point of rules and codes if they are breached?
Failure of regulators to regulate is very much in the news. We believe ACT buildings codes and National development plans are being similarly overlooked.