14 Aug / 2017

West Deakin Parking – need for a strategic solution

The shortage of parking at the Equinox Building  is causing overflows of 50 – 100 cars into the adjacent former bowling club site  and nearby residential streets.

Current proposal to develop the former bowling club site as Equinox 2 will likely see additional parking shortages.

Redevelopment of the Telstra building in Kent Street and St Luke’s Church Newdegate Street will add additional pressure and increase traffic.

DRA is concerned that ACT Government does not see these new developments as creating a parking shortage problem and traffic  – but rather, a mechanism to discourage car use. See correspondence with officials which follows :

  • “I understand your concern, but our parking policies are designed to balance provision of private vehicle parking with encouraging modal shift towards more sustainable transport modes rather than single-driver-private-car. We do not support providing a dedicated car park (free or at-cost) for every person who may wish to drive to an employment node.”
  • “There is no government policy that would provide more taxpayer funded free parking in a central area such as West Deakin with existing high levels of service and accessibility for public transport and active travel (walking and cycling) – and nor would I advise a government to adopt such a policy.”

DRA understands that free car parking will be removed in the Geils Court and other West Deakin car parks and that pay parking will be reintroduced notwithstanding that it proved so undesirable in early 2016.

Parking was restricted in Beauchamp St on a trial basis for 12 months after limited public consultation of potentially affected residents in the area. It seems likely, the Government will introduce more parking restrictions wherever overflows exist, thereby changing the nature of our residential streets.  This could affect any street within walking distance (ie several hundred metres) of the West Deakin offices, Deakin shops, or busy locations – which is most of Deakin.  This would convert most of Deakin into a no-parking, or 2-hour only zone so that residents will lose the ability to park all day outside their own homes. It wil fill the suburb with ugly signs.


DRA believes there is a needs for a parking and traffic strategy that considers proposed developments and needs of residents.