6.00: Guest speaker – Jack Waterford AM Questions to the speaker with special guest, Fiona Carrick MLA. 7.15 pm: Start of formal AGM
AGM Business
Welcome from the Chair, Dr Mark Rebentrost Apologies
Apologies were received from
Krystyna Fitzgerald Di Johnstone Brondwen MacLean
Kay Newman Rebecca Vavic Mehra Vohra
Brigitta Wimmer
DRA Members present
John Bell Kay Blue Peter Boege Llois Cutts Jacqueline Elliott Sue Gage Richard Game Sue Game
Jack Gault Jenny Gault Dorothy Holt Martin Jennings Elizabeth Johnson Brian Leonard Sue Leonard Lochie MacLean
Robin Miller Linda Peek Mark Rebentrost Robin Tegart Phil Waite George Wilson Lyn Wilson
Margaret Barlay (sic) Fiona Carrick Irene Davies Marea Fatseas (YRA) Peter Pharoah (YRA)
Christine Rafter Ray Rafter Jane Seaborn Robin Stanton Jan Tankiang (YRA)
Gabrielle Tryon Michael Watson (Pedal Power)
Declaration of conflicts of interest – None declared
Proxies – None received
Confirmation of Minutes of Annual General Meeting of 22 November 2023
The Minutes were accepted as a true and accurate record.
President’s Report
The President gave a verbal report to the meeting. Notes from the President’s report are appended. This included a report on the actions of the Heritage Committee (appended).
All positions were vacant and nominations were invited from the floor. None were received. The following persons had submitted written nominations and were elected unopposed.
President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Committee member Committee member Committee member Committee member Committee member Committee member Committee member Committee member
Dr Mark Rebentrost Dr George Wilson Martin Jennings Dr John Bell Sue Gage Jack Gault Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant
Other Business
There was no other business No questions were received from the floor.
Close of Meeting – the meeting concluded at 8.00 pm.