The National Capital Authority has written to advise that it has received a works approval application for the demolition of an existing dwelling and the construction of a new detached dwelling, with basement car parking and associated landscaping at 77 National Circuit, Deakin.

The plans and supporting documentation for the proposal can be viewed on the NCA’s website at  77 National Circuit – Demolition of Existing Dwelling and Construction of a new Residential Dwelling | National Capital Authority.

The NCA says it welcomes written feedback on the proposal by 5.00pm Friday 28 February 2025.  Submissions can be made via email to 

Responses received will be considered before a decision is made on the application.

Please contact the NCA for further information on 6271 2888.

Caroline Carrick <>
Works Approval Team

Priorities for DRA in 2025

For our members and friends, here are the key focus areas for the Deakin Residents Association (DRA) this year. Your feedback, participation, and support are vital to shaping our community’s future.

Gardens at the Deakin Shops

The gardens and overall appearance of the Deakin shopping centre have deteriorated since our vibrant Floriade display in 2023.  

By comparison, the beautifully maintained grounds of the Ambassador apartments and Canberra Airport show what could be achieved with attention and care.
DRA has raised this issue with the ACT Government, which has taken initial steps, such as removing dead trees. However, there is much more to be done. Establishing a water point is crucial to maintaining garden beds in collaboration with shop owners.

Would you like to help us advocate for better maintenance or assist with gardening efforts? Members of Fitness First, the Canberra Deakin Football Club, and the Bridge Club are warmly invited to join in.

Nature Strip Maintenance

For years, DRA has advocated for the upkeep of nature strips, particularly along Hopetoun Circuit near McGregor Street. The operation of commercial enterprises in residential properties has caused compacted soil and eroded verges. While we understand the challenges faced by multi-tenant properties, parking-related damage to the nature strip cannot be ignored.

We appreciate the ACT Government’s recent installation of signage reminding residents of their obligations. We encourage everyone to take responsibility for preserving these shared spaces.

As part of our broader efforts to maintain Deakin’s charm, we’ve also noticed an increase in high, ugly black front fences. Is the longstanding ban on front fences been overlooked?

Tree Health and Management

The health and vitality of our trees, along with the removal of dead and dying ones, remain key priorities for DRA. A thriving tree canopy is essential to maintaining Deakin’s beauty, supporting environmental sustainability, and moderating the urban temperature profile.
For example, a tree fell across McGregor Street during a heavy storm three years ago. While contractors removed most of it, the trunk was left behind and remains to this day.
Let’s encourage greater use of the Fix My Street platform to report such issues promptly.


The condition of Deakin’s footpaths also leaves much to be desired. In the Newdegate/Nathan/McGregor/Le Hunte area, the number of broken and cracked footpaths is unacceptable and unbefitting of Australia’s National Capital. Deakin is not alone in this, but we must continue lobbying the ACT Government to address these issues.

Deakin’s Heritage

With the assistance of an ACT Government grant, DRA has completed a project highlighting Deakin’s heritage. Two heritage signs have been installed:

  • One at the Deakin Shops. Supporting material is available on our website.
  • Another at Latrobe Park.

We are considering applying for a further grant to expand this work. If you’d like to help, please contact John Bell at 0438 732 953.

Bikeways in Deakin

Unlike many Canberra suburbs, Deakin lacks dedicated bikeways. Establishing safe cycling routes could significantly reduce traffic congestion, especially during school terms.

We’re calling for members to form a subcommittee to explore potential routes, collaborate with Pedal Power, and engage with local schools. Let’s make Deakin safer and more accessible for cyclists of all ages.

Latrobe Park

Latrobe Park could become a vibrant hub for community activity in Deakin. To realize its potential, we need a subcommittee to identify improvements and work with the ACT Government to implement them. Scouts, preschoolers, and other local groups could also contribute.

We’re considering hosting a Park Party in Spring for families. If you’d like to help make this event a success, please email Martin Jennings at

Development Approvals

Monitoring development proposals and advocating for compliance with regulations remain central responsibilities for DRA. Your vigilance is invaluable in ensuring Deakin’s development aligns with community values.

Light Rail Concerns

DRA continues to question the cost-effectiveness and practicality of the light rail project. With only two planned stops in Deakin and a route down the middle of a four-lane highway, its utility for our suburb is highly questionable.

We are also deeply concerned about its impact on heritage values and the destruction of trees in the Parliamentary Precinct and near the Lodge. The surrounding bushland, a critical element of the original design concept, risks being irreparably harmed, undermining the area’s unique character.

Get Involved!


Only a small percentage of Deakin residents are DRA members or on our mailing list. Help us grow by:

• Assisting with our upcoming letterbox drop.

• Encouraging your neighbors to join DRA.

Join the DRA Committee or Subcommittees

We’re actively seeking enthusiastic members, especially younger residents, to join our committee or subcommittees. If any of the issues above resonate with you, we’d love your involvement!

Social Media

DRA has a website and active Facebook and Instagram pages. We need your help to create engaging content and grow our online presence. If you’re social media savvy, please contact George Wilson at

Annual Subscriptions

DRA’s annual membership subscription of $30 for 2024–25 is now due. Please support our efforts by making your payment via bank transfer. [Follow link to make a payment]

Together, we can make Deakin an even better place to live. Thank you for your ongoing support!


6.00: Guest speaker – Jack Waterford AM
Questions to the speaker with special guest, Fiona Carrick MLA.
7.15 pm: Start of formal AGM

AGM Business

Welcome from the Chair, Dr Mark Rebentrost

Apologies were received from

Krystyna Fitzgerald
Di Johnstone
Brondwen MacLean

Kay Newman
Rebecca Vavic
Mehra Vohra

Brigitta Wimmer

DRA Members present

John Bell
Kay Blue
Peter Boege
Llois Cutts
Jacqueline Elliott
Sue Gage
Richard Game
Sue Game

Jack Gault
Jenny Gault
Dorothy Holt
Martin Jennings
Elizabeth Johnson
Brian Leonard
Sue Leonard
Lochie MacLean

Robin Miller
Linda Peek
Mark Rebentrost
Robin Tegart
Phil Waite
George Wilson
Lyn Wilson


Margaret Barlay (sic)
Fiona Carrick
Irene Davies
Marea Fatseas (YRA)
Peter Pharoah (YRA)

Christine Rafter
Ray Rafter
Jane Seaborn
Robin Stanton
Jan Tankiang (YRA)

Gabrielle Tryon
Michael Watson (Pedal Power)

Declaration of conflicts of interest – None declared

Proxies – None received

Confirmation of Minutes of Annual General Meeting of 22 November 2023

The Minutes were accepted as a true and accurate record.


President’s Report

The President gave a verbal report to the meeting. Notes from the President’s report are appended. This included a report on the actions of the Heritage Committee (appended).

Motion to accept

Proposed: Mark Rebentrost
Seconded: John Bell

The President’s report was accepted.

Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer presented his report verbally, and provided a written copy for meeting attendees. A copy of the report is appended.

Motion to accept

Proposed: John Bell
Seconded: Martin Jennings

The Treasurer’s report was accepted.

Election of Committee Members and Office Bearers.

All positions were vacant and nominations were invited from the floor.  None were received. The following persons had submitted written nominations and were elected unopposed.


Committee member
Committee member
Committee member
Committee member
Committee member
Committee member
Committee member
Committee member


Dr Mark Rebentrost
Dr George Wilson
Martin Jennings
Dr John Bell
Sue Gage
Jack Gault



Other Business

There was no other business
No questions were received from the floor.

Close of Meeting – the meeting concluded at 8.00 pm.

See below for RZ1 sites in Deakin eligible for secondary dwellings as a red overlay under the ACT Government 2023 planning system changes that allow secondary dwellings of less than 120 square meters on RZ1 blocks greater than 800sqm.

The analysis for this map was undertaken for a Canberra Times article last year using publicly available ACT Government land data, Brendan Halloran provided Community Council stakeholders with an interactive map html file and jpg image for public information. The map removes excluded planning policy RZ1 blocks that were identified as Mr Fluffy dual resident blocks, existing multi-unit designated blocks and also blocks in suburbs such as Reid, Campbell, Braddon, Ainslie, Kingston, Barton, Griffith, Forrest and Red Hill where the blocks have existing residential precinct protection that does not allow secondary dwellings (despite the blocks being larger than 800sqm).

Map file developed by Brendan Halloran to inform the Canberra public, not as a personal or political statement on the policy.

Brendan Halloran used publicly available 2023 map data from the ACT Geospatial Data Catalogue ( that may not perfectly reflect the current land data.