12 Apr / 2023

Community Participation Projects support

Deakin Residents Association is applying for Community Participation Projects support from the 2023-2024 ACT Heritage Grants Program. These are projects that will ‘actively engage people in understanding, celebrating and promoting heritage places and objects through education (of all ages), oral histories, tourism, digitisation, interpretation and events.’

Our proposal is to erect signage at Deakin shops and two or three other sites such as Latrobe Park, The Lodge Park and Rosemary Dobson Park on Deakin’s historical aspects, significant houses, wider architectural issues, streetscapes, parks biodiversity, plus geology such as the anticline.,

The signs will have QR codes linked to a website where other material can be stored including acknowledgment of supporters of the project and their enterprises. Logos of supporters can also be displayed on the Canberra Tracks signs.

If commercial entities would like to be included, can you get back to me as soon as possible and ideally before 27 April which is the deadline for us to lodge the application?

An indication of commercial support by donation would also enhance our proposal to the Granting agency.