Deakin Residents’ Association Inc. is a non-profit association incorporated in the Australian Capital Territory

DRA objectives are:

To enhance the residential, suburban, social and environmental qualities of Deakin, consistent with garden city planning principles.
To contribute through community discussion to planning and land management in the ACT as it impacts on Deakin residents.

Membership is open to

  1. residents of Deakin, 
  2. holders of a residential leases in Deakin, 
  3. other applicants approved by the Committee as sharing the objectives of the Association.
Apply for membership by clicking the button below. Annual fees are $30 per household per FY. 

Our current focus is on:

  1. Retaining Deakin’s garden-suburb environment
  2. Vandalism of nature strips
  3. Vehicle numbers, speed, and pedestrian safety
  4. Impact and benefits of proposed Light Rail
  5. Developing cycle ways through Deakin
  6. Constraining non-compliant property developers and dodgy builders
  7. Community engagement particularly through schools and Scouts
  8. Enhancing the biodiversity in the urban landscape and our parks 
  9. Examining potential for a community battery

Reassessment of Light Rail stage II

DRA continues to be concerned about the growing expense of the Light Rail proposal – Civic to Woden compared to the benefits of alternative options such as electric buses and improved cycleways.

Through this initiative, DRA would like to raise awareness about the waste of public funds, environmental damage and highlight the need for wise investment in public transport. 

Support DRA in its initiatives by ‘following’ and ‘liking’ DRA’s Facebook page.

If you live out side Deakin you can still join the DRA mailing list to stay updated on our activities and campaigns