12 Jun / 2024

1. Grey St – Embassy Residences 2. Consultation on Light Rail

‘Embassy Residences’ – Grey St, Art Gallery site

DRA notes that 53 single-level residences are being offered on the Art Gallery site at the intersection of Grey Street and Hopetoun Court.  

DRA would like to know more about the status of the offer and in particular planned vehicle access to it. Interested members might like to contact the agents Archer and provide feedback.

The residences range from 160 sqm to over 600 sqm, with configurations of 2, 3, or 4 bedrooms oversized garages, triple glazing throughout. The ground floor residences have courtyards, while penthouses have  private lifts and rooftop terraces exceeding 200 sqm. All residences are equipped with EV charging points.

The property is adjacent to the proposed light rail stop Civic and Woden. It has been omitted from the artists impression below.  

Light Rail 2b Public Consultation Open until 30 June 24

The ACT Government announced that public consultation for Light Rail 2b was open until 30 June 2024

The Deakin Residents Association (DRA) remains concerned about the high costs of the Light Rail proposal compared to the benefits of alternative options such as electric buses and improved cycleways. We believe the impact on Deakin’s heritage values and overall amenity is significant.

DRA aims to continue to raise awareness about the proposed expenditure, potential environmental damage, and the need for wiser investment in public transport. Your feedback is crucial in ensuring that the voices of Deakin residents are heard.
Opinions can be aired at public consultation.

Artists impression of Hopetoun Circuit light rail stop. It shows the new bridge over Hopetoun Ct, the Traffic lights plus the lift to the elevated platform.
The artist has omitted the down ramp off Adelaide Ave and buildings on the Art Gallery site.

Kent St light rail stop showing lift and realigned Adelaide Ave

State Circle stop,           proposed Commonwealth Ave Bridge over the Lake

Traffic lights and a new bridge are proposed where the route crosses State Circle and enters Adelaide Ave

Traffic lights site where light rail emerges from bushland around Parliament House..