6 Mar / 2014

Building Certifiers – DRA submission to ACT Govt. Inquiry

Residents and home-buyers in many parts of Canberra have raised concerns with the Government about lack of confidence that building certifiers are adequately qualified for the tasks with which they are entrusted, or that they can be relied upon to act in the interests of consumers when they are selected and paid by builders or sellers’ agents.

In response, the government commissioned a consultancy report, and launched an open Consultation on Construction Industry Practitioners.

DRA has made a formal submission to this inquiry, with extensive local consultation among our members and committee. Our key points in summary are:

  1. Accreditation need to be reviewed to ensure certifiers have appropriate skills for all situations, and carry the onus of bringing in additional advice where needed for special situations.
  2. Certifiers should be subject to a requirement for continuous professional development with regard to both technical and regulatory dimensions of their responsibilities.
  3. Monitoring and review have been inadequate and require the proper level of resources to be applied, as well as a targeted risk management program set around open criteria.
  4. Credible penalties for poor performance, and redress for residents affected by those poor outcomes, including third parties, are essential to support public confidence in the building certification regime.

Read DRA’s full Submission on Building Certifiers