15 May / 2020

Melbourne Avenue restoration

Melbourne Ave Median Strip 

Residents of Forrest and Deakin have long had concerns about the adverse effect of school drop-off and pick-up parking on the median strip and its beautiful trees opposite Canberra Girls Grammar School. Crowd parking for school fetes has added to the damage.

DRA was glad to see the trees receive extensive mulching.

Meetings between ACT Government officials and Deakin and Forrest residents on the median strip lead to temporary barriers to block vehicle access. Canberra Girls Grammar also reminded parents that parking on the median strip is illegal and warned them that fines would be issued for transgression. The School also arranged for drop-offs and pick-ups to occur inside school grounds. This has worked well and DRA and Forrest Residents Group are grateful to Transport Canberra and to Canberra Girls Grammar for their efforts. Thanks, too, to Ernst Willheim for his persistent attention to the issue.

The TCCS has now committed to bollard installation as outlined on the map below. The works will ‘commence shortly’ and are expected to be complete by the end of the financial year.