14 May / 2022

Reassessment of Light Rail stage 2 – Government response

In March 2021 DRA wrote to Shane Rattenbury MLA saying we think that the case for Light Rail Stage 2  needs to be assessed. Our position included  the belief that the business case fails to justify the expenditure of what experts are telling us is likely to be $3.8 billion. The case indicates that fares are expected to yield less than $17 million over the next 15 years. That leaves a massive burden to fall on ratepayers across Canberra, the vast majority of whom will never use Light Rail Stage 2.

Other points are in the letter from the Presidents of Deakin Residents’ Assn, Griffith Narrabundah Community Assn, and Kingston & Barton Residents Group Inc. The  ACT Greens spokesperson for Transport Jo Clay MLA responded to each point raised.

The dialogue continues.